participation rubric
To Earn An 'A'
1) The student’s attention never waivers from the rehearsal.
2) The student exhibits exceptional behavior, providing a model for others.
3) The student shows a continuous effort to master the course objectives.
4) The student is inquisitive, often asking questions out of necessity as well as interest.
5) The student always has required materials in class.
6) The student is always prompt! Always in required seat, materials ready, and listening
for directions at the start of class.
7) The student participates in out-of-class enrichment activities (not required).
To Earn A 'B'
1) The student is usually attentive, needing few or no reminders to listen attentively,
refrain from talking, and follow rules for participation.
2) The student works consistently to achieve the course objectives.
3) The student sometimes asks questions and participates in classroom discussions.
4) The student occasionally forgets required materials.
5) The student is usually prompt.
To Earn A 'C'
1) The student often needs repeated reminders to pay attention, stop talking, participate
in rehearsal and follow the school or classroom rules of behavior.
2) The student often disrupts the rehearsal.
3) The student often forgets required materials.
4) The student rarely participates in classroom discussions.
5) The student is late for class several times throughout the quarter.
To Earn A 'D'
1) The student is off-task most of the time.
2) The student disrupts the rehearsal and has a negative effect on the learning of others.
3) The student shows no attempt to achieve course objectives.
4) The student rarely has required materials.
5) The student is rarely on time for class.
To Earn An 'F'
A failing grade will be given when the following have taken place:
1) The student is a detriment to the learning of others.
2) There has been no attempt to master the course objectives or contribute to the rehearsal.
3) Timely parent contact has not had a positive effect on the situation.
• All legal documents of intervention (IEP, 504, etc.) will be observed and followed.
• Band, Choir and Orchestra are academic classes. The grade received for the quarter will carry the same
weight on the grade point average as other classes (math, science, etc.).
*Adapted from Learwood MS Choral Education Handbook, Mr. Michael Lisi, Director
1) The student’s attention never waivers from the rehearsal.
2) The student exhibits exceptional behavior, providing a model for others.
3) The student shows a continuous effort to master the course objectives.
4) The student is inquisitive, often asking questions out of necessity as well as interest.
5) The student always has required materials in class.
6) The student is always prompt! Always in required seat, materials ready, and listening
for directions at the start of class.
7) The student participates in out-of-class enrichment activities (not required).
To Earn A 'B'
1) The student is usually attentive, needing few or no reminders to listen attentively,
refrain from talking, and follow rules for participation.
2) The student works consistently to achieve the course objectives.
3) The student sometimes asks questions and participates in classroom discussions.
4) The student occasionally forgets required materials.
5) The student is usually prompt.
To Earn A 'C'
1) The student often needs repeated reminders to pay attention, stop talking, participate
in rehearsal and follow the school or classroom rules of behavior.
2) The student often disrupts the rehearsal.
3) The student often forgets required materials.
4) The student rarely participates in classroom discussions.
5) The student is late for class several times throughout the quarter.
To Earn A 'D'
1) The student is off-task most of the time.
2) The student disrupts the rehearsal and has a negative effect on the learning of others.
3) The student shows no attempt to achieve course objectives.
4) The student rarely has required materials.
5) The student is rarely on time for class.
To Earn An 'F'
A failing grade will be given when the following have taken place:
1) The student is a detriment to the learning of others.
2) There has been no attempt to master the course objectives or contribute to the rehearsal.
3) Timely parent contact has not had a positive effect on the situation.
• All legal documents of intervention (IEP, 504, etc.) will be observed and followed.
• Band, Choir and Orchestra are academic classes. The grade received for the quarter will carry the same
weight on the grade point average as other classes (math, science, etc.).
*Adapted from Learwood MS Choral Education Handbook, Mr. Michael Lisi, Director