Section 1. The name of this Corporation is the BBHHS Vocal Music Boosters (hereinafter referred “Vocal Music Boosters” or “VMB”)
Section 2. VMB shall be a non-profit association registered under the laws of the State of Ohio.
Section 3. The fiscal year of the BBHHS Vocal Music Boosters shall be from July 1st through June to 30th.
Section 1. The primary purposes and objectives of the VMB are:
Section 2. As a means of accomplishing the foregoing purposes and in addition to those set forth in
a. To promote and enhance the Vocal Music program at Brecksville Broadview Heights High School and to provide support to students enrolled in that program; and
b. To educate, motivate and encourage the students of the Brecksville Broadview Heights High School and School District to apply their vocal and musical talents and
to promote the welfare of the choirs, dancers, performers and musicians of the Brecksville Broadview Heights High School by buying and maintaining uniforms,
equipment and instruments as well as by providing additional support and supplemental funding as requested by the vocal and music faculty of the Brecksville
Broadview Heights School System; and
c. To provide such services and material assistance to the choirs as needed when no other resources are available including Brecksville Broadview Heights Board of Education funding.
the Articles of Incorporation, VMB shall have the following powers:
a. To assist in planning and implementing the annual fundraising event known as “Ticket to Broadway;” and
b. To organize additional fundraising deemed necessary and or appropriate; and
c. To organize and coordinate the receipt and disbursements of student account funds; and
d. To appoint and engage persons to actively pursue and accomplish the foregoing; and
e. To promote positive understanding and support of the music programs among students, parents, school, and community; and
f. To provide assistance to the directors/students in the vocal music program when needed for performances, events, attire and accessories.
Section 1. Membership in the VMB shall be open to any parent/guardian of a student involved in
Section 2. Certain authority and powers of the Corporation are reserved to the voting members the choir program and interested in the support and furtherance of the purposes and objectives of the VMB and the vocal Music program at Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School. Membership is voluntary and shall be made available without regard to age, color, creed, gender or national origin. Each member is entitled to one (1) vote and shall pay membership dues as determined by the Executive Board, if any, subject to the approval of the general membership. and require the approval of a majority of the members present at a properly publicized meeting of the organization, such as:
a. Adoption of the By-laws; and
b. Any amendment to the Articles of Incorporation or By-laws of the Corporation; and
c. The elections of Officers; and
d. The dissolution of the Corporations and the distribution of assets upon dissolution.
Section 1. Officers The BBHHS Vocal Music Booster shall elect an Executive Board, consisting of the following officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2. Duties
a. The President shall:
1. Chair the Executive Committee; and
2. Preside at all meeting of the Corporation; and
3. Perform such other duties as may be prescribed in the Bylaws or assigned by the Corporation.
4. Be a member ex-officio of all committees; and
5. Coordinate the work of the officers; and
6. Represent the Corporation in dealings with other organizations in the Brecksville Broadview Heights School District or appoint an appropriate person to do the same; and
7. Ensure that the books and accounts of the Corporation are examined annually by an auditor or an audit committee of not fewer than three (3) members who must certify that the Treasurer’s annual report is accurate and correct, affirming same upon a written copy of the Treasurer’s report.
b. The Vice President shall:
1. Act as aide to the President; and
2. In their designated order, perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to serve; and
3. Serve as a chairperson of at least one Committee.
c. The Secretary shall:
1. Record the minutes of all meetings of VMB; and
2. Make proper record of same, promptly providing copies to all members of the Executive Board; and
3. Perform other delegated duties as assigned by the Executive Board; and
4. Notify all members of special meetings at least one week in advance and in writing; and,
5. Assume responsibility for all correspondence; and
6. Secure and maintain a complete and accurate membership list.
d. The Treasurer shall:
1. Be responsible for all monies, securities and property of the Corporation; and
2. Present a financial statement at every meeting of the Corporation; and
3. Submit financial books and records for audit at the end of each fiscal year; and
4. Keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures; and
5. Make disbursements as authorized by the President, Executive Board and/or Executive Committee in accordance with the budget adopted by the Corporation; and
6. Cause appropriate tax returns to be prepared by a licensed tax professional and ensure that such returns are timely transmitted to the necessary tax authorities; and
7. Present a yearly list of gifts, if any, to the Vocal Music directors that the VMB has donated or will donate, if any, to the Vocal Music program; and
8. Establish a Student Account Committee and serve as Chairman of same to monitor student accounts in the following manner and under the following procedures:
Maintain accurate records of student credits that can be used towards trips and other student functions that VMB and Choir directors deem appropriate. At the
end of each school year (June), each choir student’s (freshman, sophomore, and junior) credit will be carried over to the following year’s account, if said student remains in choir. Should such student elect to drop choir, all credits for such student shall be transferred to the VMB general fund. All credits remaining in each senior account will be transferred to the VMB general fund at the end of the senior student’s last school year. Accumulated funds not otherwise used can be transferred to student siblings in the choir and for the following years.
Students or parents may contact the Treasurer to obtain information regarding the current balance of their account. The Vocal Music director will not have this information.
Section 3. Term of Office
a. Officers shall hold office until the close of the fiscal year. The term of office for each officer shall be one year.
b. All elected officers must have a student in the BBHHS Vocal Music program.
Section 4. Nominations and Elections
a. There shall be a Nominating Committee composed of three (3) members, only one (1) of which may be a member of the Executive Board. The Nominating Committee
shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee by April 1st of each year.
b. By or before the May meeting of each year, the Election of Officers will be held for the succeeding year. Officers will be elected by a majority of voting members
present at the elections meeting:
1. A slate of officers, these being President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, none of which will be related to one another, will be presented by the Nominating Committee at the May meeting.
2. Nominations from the floor will be accepted for all officers at the elections meeting.
3. A vacancy occurring in any elective position shall be filled for the unexpired term by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee. If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice President will succeed.
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers of the VMB and the Vocal Music directors.
Section 2. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be:
a. To present a report at the regular meetings of the Corporation; and
b. To prepare and submit to the general association for approval a budget for the fiscal year. As part of preparing the budget, student fees for the following year will be established; and
c. Manage the approved budget according to the following principles:
1. No disbursement of funds shall be made unless authorized within the approved budget, or approved by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
2. Requests to expend amounts exceeding 20 percent from approved budget expenditures shall be submitted to the Executive Committee for review and approval prior to such expenditure.
3. The Treasurer, with approval of the President, may disburse funds for unusual or emergency items and expenses in amounts not to exceed $200.00.
4. Requests for funding not authorized by the approved budget shall be submitted for review and approval at a general meeting.
5. A written copy of all agreements or contracts entered into for services for which the VMB is liable for payment shall be provided to the Treasurer by the Vocal Music Director.
6. Requests for reimbursement of authorized expenditures advanced must be submitted prior to current fiscal year end (June 30th). No reimbursement will be made for prior year expenses.
SECTION 1: A minimum of 7 general meetings shall be held August through June on the day
SECTION 2: Members present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction business at any of the month and time determined by the executive committee. general membership meeting at which at least four voting members are present. A simple majority vote of members present at a meeting shall be required for action to be taken.
SECTION 1: Committees may be formed or dissolved as needed by the executive committee.
SECTION 2: There shall be the following committees:
a. Ticket to Broadway
1. Sub committees as needed
b. Historian/Photographer
c. Communications/phone chain
d. Publicity/placing advertising
e. Concert Ticket Sales
f. Chaperones
g. Show Choir Festival liaison
h. Uniforms
i. Alumni Contact
j. Program Patrons
k. PSO Representative
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern practice and procedure of the Vocal Music Boosters in instances when the Bylaws make no such provision.
The Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the VMB by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at a meeting called for that purpose.
Upon the dissolution of the Corporation, the Executive Board shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all of the liabilities of the Corporation, dispose of
all of the assets of the Corporation to be used for the public, educational and charitable purposes to the Brecksville Broadview Heights School District Board of Education, or
other entity whose purpose it is to educate, motivate and encourage the students of the Brecksville Broadview Heights High School and School District, provided that it is an
organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under
Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, as the Executive Board shall determine.
Any of such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the County in which the principal office of the Corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.
Section 1. The name of this Corporation is the BBHHS Vocal Music Boosters (hereinafter referred “Vocal Music Boosters” or “VMB”)
Section 2. VMB shall be a non-profit association registered under the laws of the State of Ohio.
Section 3. The fiscal year of the BBHHS Vocal Music Boosters shall be from July 1st through June to 30th.
Section 1. The primary purposes and objectives of the VMB are:
Section 2. As a means of accomplishing the foregoing purposes and in addition to those set forth in
a. To promote and enhance the Vocal Music program at Brecksville Broadview Heights High School and to provide support to students enrolled in that program; and
b. To educate, motivate and encourage the students of the Brecksville Broadview Heights High School and School District to apply their vocal and musical talents and
to promote the welfare of the choirs, dancers, performers and musicians of the Brecksville Broadview Heights High School by buying and maintaining uniforms,
equipment and instruments as well as by providing additional support and supplemental funding as requested by the vocal and music faculty of the Brecksville
Broadview Heights School System; and
c. To provide such services and material assistance to the choirs as needed when no other resources are available including Brecksville Broadview Heights Board of Education funding.
the Articles of Incorporation, VMB shall have the following powers:
a. To assist in planning and implementing the annual fundraising event known as “Ticket to Broadway;” and
b. To organize additional fundraising deemed necessary and or appropriate; and
c. To organize and coordinate the receipt and disbursements of student account funds; and
d. To appoint and engage persons to actively pursue and accomplish the foregoing; and
e. To promote positive understanding and support of the music programs among students, parents, school, and community; and
f. To provide assistance to the directors/students in the vocal music program when needed for performances, events, attire and accessories.
Section 1. Membership in the VMB shall be open to any parent/guardian of a student involved in
Section 2. Certain authority and powers of the Corporation are reserved to the voting members the choir program and interested in the support and furtherance of the purposes and objectives of the VMB and the vocal Music program at Brecksville-Broadview Heights High School. Membership is voluntary and shall be made available without regard to age, color, creed, gender or national origin. Each member is entitled to one (1) vote and shall pay membership dues as determined by the Executive Board, if any, subject to the approval of the general membership. and require the approval of a majority of the members present at a properly publicized meeting of the organization, such as:
a. Adoption of the By-laws; and
b. Any amendment to the Articles of Incorporation or By-laws of the Corporation; and
c. The elections of Officers; and
d. The dissolution of the Corporations and the distribution of assets upon dissolution.
Section 1. Officers The BBHHS Vocal Music Booster shall elect an Executive Board, consisting of the following officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Section 2. Duties
a. The President shall:
1. Chair the Executive Committee; and
2. Preside at all meeting of the Corporation; and
3. Perform such other duties as may be prescribed in the Bylaws or assigned by the Corporation.
4. Be a member ex-officio of all committees; and
5. Coordinate the work of the officers; and
6. Represent the Corporation in dealings with other organizations in the Brecksville Broadview Heights School District or appoint an appropriate person to do the same; and
7. Ensure that the books and accounts of the Corporation are examined annually by an auditor or an audit committee of not fewer than three (3) members who must certify that the Treasurer’s annual report is accurate and correct, affirming same upon a written copy of the Treasurer’s report.
b. The Vice President shall:
1. Act as aide to the President; and
2. In their designated order, perform the duties of the President in the absence or inability of that officer to serve; and
3. Serve as a chairperson of at least one Committee.
c. The Secretary shall:
1. Record the minutes of all meetings of VMB; and
2. Make proper record of same, promptly providing copies to all members of the Executive Board; and
3. Perform other delegated duties as assigned by the Executive Board; and
4. Notify all members of special meetings at least one week in advance and in writing; and,
5. Assume responsibility for all correspondence; and
6. Secure and maintain a complete and accurate membership list.
d. The Treasurer shall:
1. Be responsible for all monies, securities and property of the Corporation; and
2. Present a financial statement at every meeting of the Corporation; and
3. Submit financial books and records for audit at the end of each fiscal year; and
4. Keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures; and
5. Make disbursements as authorized by the President, Executive Board and/or Executive Committee in accordance with the budget adopted by the Corporation; and
6. Cause appropriate tax returns to be prepared by a licensed tax professional and ensure that such returns are timely transmitted to the necessary tax authorities; and
7. Present a yearly list of gifts, if any, to the Vocal Music directors that the VMB has donated or will donate, if any, to the Vocal Music program; and
8. Establish a Student Account Committee and serve as Chairman of same to monitor student accounts in the following manner and under the following procedures:
Maintain accurate records of student credits that can be used towards trips and other student functions that VMB and Choir directors deem appropriate. At the
end of each school year (June), each choir student’s (freshman, sophomore, and junior) credit will be carried over to the following year’s account, if said student remains in choir. Should such student elect to drop choir, all credits for such student shall be transferred to the VMB general fund. All credits remaining in each senior account will be transferred to the VMB general fund at the end of the senior student’s last school year. Accumulated funds not otherwise used can be transferred to student siblings in the choir and for the following years.
Students or parents may contact the Treasurer to obtain information regarding the current balance of their account. The Vocal Music director will not have this information.
Section 3. Term of Office
a. Officers shall hold office until the close of the fiscal year. The term of office for each officer shall be one year.
b. All elected officers must have a student in the BBHHS Vocal Music program.
Section 4. Nominations and Elections
a. There shall be a Nominating Committee composed of three (3) members, only one (1) of which may be a member of the Executive Board. The Nominating Committee
shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee by April 1st of each year.
b. By or before the May meeting of each year, the Election of Officers will be held for the succeeding year. Officers will be elected by a majority of voting members
present at the elections meeting:
1. A slate of officers, these being President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, none of which will be related to one another, will be presented by the Nominating Committee at the May meeting.
2. Nominations from the floor will be accepted for all officers at the elections meeting.
3. A vacancy occurring in any elective position shall be filled for the unexpired term by the President with the approval of the Executive Committee. If a vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Vice President will succeed.
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers of the VMB and the Vocal Music directors.
Section 2. The duties of the Executive Committee shall be:
a. To present a report at the regular meetings of the Corporation; and
b. To prepare and submit to the general association for approval a budget for the fiscal year. As part of preparing the budget, student fees for the following year will be established; and
c. Manage the approved budget according to the following principles:
1. No disbursement of funds shall be made unless authorized within the approved budget, or approved by a majority vote of the Executive Committee.
2. Requests to expend amounts exceeding 20 percent from approved budget expenditures shall be submitted to the Executive Committee for review and approval prior to such expenditure.
3. The Treasurer, with approval of the President, may disburse funds for unusual or emergency items and expenses in amounts not to exceed $200.00.
4. Requests for funding not authorized by the approved budget shall be submitted for review and approval at a general meeting.
5. A written copy of all agreements or contracts entered into for services for which the VMB is liable for payment shall be provided to the Treasurer by the Vocal Music Director.
6. Requests for reimbursement of authorized expenditures advanced must be submitted prior to current fiscal year end (June 30th). No reimbursement will be made for prior year expenses.
SECTION 1: A minimum of 7 general meetings shall be held August through June on the day
SECTION 2: Members present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction business at any of the month and time determined by the executive committee. general membership meeting at which at least four voting members are present. A simple majority vote of members present at a meeting shall be required for action to be taken.
SECTION 1: Committees may be formed or dissolved as needed by the executive committee.
SECTION 2: There shall be the following committees:
a. Ticket to Broadway
1. Sub committees as needed
b. Historian/Photographer
c. Communications/phone chain
d. Publicity/placing advertising
e. Concert Ticket Sales
f. Chaperones
g. Show Choir Festival liaison
h. Uniforms
i. Alumni Contact
j. Program Patrons
k. PSO Representative
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern practice and procedure of the Vocal Music Boosters in instances when the Bylaws make no such provision.
The Bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the VMB by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at a meeting called for that purpose.
Upon the dissolution of the Corporation, the Executive Board shall, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all of the liabilities of the Corporation, dispose of
all of the assets of the Corporation to be used for the public, educational and charitable purposes to the Brecksville Broadview Heights School District Board of Education, or
other entity whose purpose it is to educate, motivate and encourage the students of the Brecksville Broadview Heights High School and School District, provided that it is an
organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under
Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, as the Executive Board shall determine.
Any of such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the County in which the principal office of the Corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.